• v2.0.0



    • Got married 💍


    • Attack description limit is now 1000 characters
    • Updated layout for info page and popup
    • Showcase encounter on homepage should load faster
    • Updated styling and functionality of the pagination component
    • Updated styling for name generator list

    Bug fixes

    • When copying an initiative item, the copied item could have the same id as the original
    • The bulk remove button was always disabled on the encounter overview page
    • Some labels were not displaying correctly for encounter options
  • v1.0.19



    • Option to save encounter-created homebrew directly to your campaign
    • Confirmation prompts when updating HP, AC, and Name directly within an encounter
    • Introduced an interactive encounter tour to guide users through features
    • Encounter pets are now here to accompany your adventures
    • Removed card view for encounters and campaigns


    • Improved quick initiative pop-up with added flexibility; now includes an option to bypass initiative modifiers
    • Added some animations to make your experience smoother
    • New design for condition badges and tooltips
    • Added an asterisk for required input fields

    Bug fixes

    • Resolved issue where sorting a table wouldn't update pagination correctly
    • Fixed translation error in the play dropdown menu
    • Corrected a bug where creating an initiative item in an encounter would disregard the modifier
    • Addressed autofill issue where amount wouldn't populate in homebrew form for monster or summon selection
    • Fixed encounter syncing functionality to match expected behavior
    • Corrected calculation error for homebrew amount
  • v1.0.18



    • Added the ability to search encounters, campaigns and notes
    • Alternative table view for encounter/campaign overview page with sorting
    • Added socials in the footer


    • Improvements to the loading of the campaign content page
    • Added background color to all the inputs for better visibility
    • Arrow keys now respect the snap to grid setting when an object is selected on the map

    Bug fixes

    • Password reset email would not be sent when requested
    • Initiative modifier was not correctly calculated when adding a new monster from the bestiary
    • Upon opening the campaign update modal, the form did not contain the current content
    • Sitemap was not correctly generated
    • When not logged in, the pricing page incorrectly displayed a free subscription status, which is only applicable to users with an account
  • v1.0.17



    • Share encounters
    • Encounter playground page
    • Encounter syncing indicator


    • When quick adding initiative not all the input fields should be required
    • Homebrew form (monster, summon) quantity automatically 1
    • Campaign items max amount indicator
    • Updated Nuxt version
    • Updated Fabric version
    • Removed homepage image shadows

    Bug fixes

    • Homebrew max is 100 not 50
  • v1.0.16



    • Only one-time subscriptions now :)
    • Initiative modifier can be added to homebrew
    • Hotkey pop up for map hotkeys
    • Reset confirmation for resetting the map canvas

    Bug fixes

    • When removing encounter on campaign page you got redirected to encounter overview
    • Map hotkeys did not work for windows
    • Monsters with same name got the same initiative with quick initiative
  • v1.0.15



    • Modal for adding everyone's initiative at once
    • Map creator (BETA)
    • Fantasy name generator page and widget
    • Information page where you can view all the D&D content
    • Option to hide encounter widgets (notes, info pins, fantasy name generator)


    • Search function for homebrew items on the campaign overview page
    • HP and AC now show up when updating homebrew items

    Bug fixes

    • No maximum amount of homebrew items. Maximum amount is 100
    • No maximum amount of notes. Maximum amount is 50
    • Add campaign homebrew button disabled after updating encounter
    • Bestiary CR sorting doesn't work
    • Notifications where in EN when language was NL
    • Couldn't update HP and initiative sometimes on encounter page
    • Initiative button on homescreem didn't work
  • v1.0.14



    • New campaign pages: content, settings & danger zone
    • Added team functionality to campaigns
    • Changelog page
    • Feature request page
    • Badges on profile
    • Subscribe success page
    • Updated pricing page


    • Confirmation modal no longer expects the title, you now need to type delete
    • Updated styling
    • Updated hotkeys for mac users
    • More subtle animations
    • Coupon code possibility for subscriptions
    • SEO and accessibility changes
    • When a user deletes a profile, also cancel the subscription
    • Changes for faster loading of encounters
    • Links in encounters now get loaded in an iframe
    • HP and AC override updated
    • Updated the way mails get sent
    • Updated create encounter/campaign CTA

    Bug fixes

    • Hydration error
    • Avatars would not load anymore
    • When the navigation bar goes off-screen, the dropdowns did not close
    • Could not add 0 as initiative
    • Active links are purple in the navigation bar even when the background is purple
    • Can't add a link to homebrew on the campaign page
    • Build edit menu disappeared when pressing the button instead of hovering
  • v1.0.13



    • Configuration options for displaying specific columns and preferred column spacing in encounters
    • Add actions to Homebrew
    • Override HP and AC
    • Add player name to Homebrew when of type player
    • Google SSO
    • Integrated Umami analytics (Doesn't collect personal information)


    • Changed 'Monster manual' to 'Bestiary'
    • Bestiary is now full screen modal
    • Info search cards can now be opened, allowing more content to fit on the screen
    • Add initiative campaign modal updated functionality
    • Accessibility updated for screen-readers
    • Updated the column label from 'Actions' to 'Manage' to reduce confusion with attack actions
    • Added extra 'DEX' label to the initiative modal for more clarity

    Bug fixes

    • Homebrew table not updating after updating row
    • Could not update or delete encounters on campaign detail page
    • Sometimes campaigns could not be created
  • v1.0.12



    • Added bug logging tool for the users
    • New styling of the website


    • Bulk deleting of campaigns/encounters
    • Rich text editor for encounter notes
    • Restyled and updated the profile page
    • Skeleton loaders for UI components for better UX
    • Updated error page
    • Improved the animations
    • When creating an encounter on the campaign page, it automatically links it to the campaign
    • Created utility functions for generating page URLs
    • Possibility to add the initiative modifier to the rolled value

    Bug fixes

    • After creating an encounter, you couldn't create another one without refreshing
    • Error when logging out on the profile page
    • LogRocket created an error when trying to catch an error
    • Every time you updated an encounter row that had 3 failed death saves, you got a notification
    • When loading the website, sometimes you could see 'Register/Login' in the navigation component when you're already logged in
    • Cookie banner gets shown too many times
    • Indexes of initiative items not updating after adding new initiative items
    • Couldn't add all homebrew items to an encounter without selecting one
    • After 1 hour of using the site, you needed to refresh before you could do something again (expired JWT token)
    • After creating a campaign, the modal doesn't reset for using it the next time
  • v1.0.11



    • Ability to use arrow keys + shift for changing initiative
    • Ability to use pageUp and PageDown for changing initiative
    • Search component for querying open5e data
    • Pin info cards to the bottom of an encounter
    • New logo


    • Updated translation files
    • Ability to search in the add homebrew to initiative modal
    • Ability to sort the homebrew table on the campaign page
    • Extra notifications troughout the application
    • Changed social media share image to include the new logo
    • Pop up to show all the hotkeys on the encounter page

    Bug fixes

    • can't copy a encounter without a campaign attached to it
  • v1.0.10



    • Beta label in the navigation bar so that new user know it’s not a finished product
    • New notification component with loading bar


    • Better dice rolling notification
    • Dice roller is now in the encounter options bar instead of the floating button
    • When on 0HP and you get healed your death saves reset
    • When on 0HP and you get attack you get 2 death saves
    • When 3 failed deathsaves you get a notification
    • When 3 saved deathsaves you get a notification and stabelized tag positioned left from the death saves

    Bug fixes

    • Bad styling for dropdown on windows
    • Name of the app was to long to fit on your phone (PWA)
  • v1.0.9



    • You can now add DnD Tracker to your mobile/tablet as a pwa app
    • Toggle dice roller


    • Styling updates
    • Accessibility updates for screen readers

    Bug fixes

    • Memory error
  • v1.0.8



    • Changed error logging library for better error messages for debuging
    • Updated the code responsible for index checking in encounters
    • Updated color picking component
    • Changed the code from javascript to typescript for stability and type checking

    Bug fixes

    • Couldn’t select conditions on encounters
    • Couldn’t set base ac when its empty
    • Couldn’t set base hp when its empty
    • Random color generator sometimes generated invalid color strings
    • When logging out the navigation bar did not update
    • Sometimes the initiative buttons wouldn’t work